I'd like everyone reading this to think very hard about how intertwined his or her life is with their spouse or significant other, especially if you've been together for several years.
If you had asked me if I realized this last week, I would have shrugged the question off.
"Sure. That's obvious!"
Our small house is full, quite cozy even for two people, and it's kind of a mess right now with all this going on. But it's completely stunning to me how incredibly empty it feels when I see Diane's half finished quilting project on the ironing board. Or the Christmas cards she started to address but didn't quite finish before "the setback" happened. There are also the newly bought bags of flour and sugar sitting on the counter top that were to go into Christmas cookies and treats.
We were going to put up the Christmas tree this past weekend, but that obviously didn't happen. I'll have to somehow get that done myself, because if, as we all hope, she get's out of the hospital before Christmas, she will be well and truly pissed if she doesn't see a Christmas tree.
By way up an update, a new CT scan Monday PM showed considerable improvement in terms of reduced swelling and reduced amount of blood in the brain. We must still give her more time to wake up, though.
She seems very stable. And I'll take stable. For now.
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